Why a Manifesto?
The Art of Diesel is a platform with a purpose. It’s not just about working on the latest diesel automotive or independence project, it’s about making things better for people. By writing out AoD’s direction, focus, and purpose, I can set expectations for viewers and subscribers, in addition to maintaining my own focus.
I’m kind of a hyperactive person. I don’t stop for anything when I’m interested in a topic. The worst part is that I’m interested in lots of things and my racing mind is always creating ideas for new projects to pursue. Focus is a struggle, and I have to stop and slow down occasionally to ensure that my focus is properly placed. Creating this manifesto (even one subject to change) helps me to set my focus.
The Art of Diesel is focused on diesel and automotive efficiency, performance, and independence.
…Diesel and Automotive…
“Diesel and Automotive” efforts might include cars and trucks, as well as generators, mowers, and other equipment. Not all of the automotive efforts will be diesel-fueled and not all of the diesel-fueled efforts will be automotive. However, machinery and transportation are essential and I will be demonstrating things that people can do for themselves.
Everything I do will have an eye toward efficiency. This is among the reasons that I love diesel engines. To me, efficiency is about saving my resources in every way that I can, including not only fuel and energy, but materials, time, and finances. I want to demonstrate that efficiency can be achieved by simple, straightforward means, demonstrating the possibilities by example.
My passion is for performance. I will pursue things that excite me because they are cool, bold, and fun! I might not always build the highest performance devices, but a sleeper car that kicks ass, a generator that keeps my household functioning during a blackout, or an electronic system that enhances my privacy are all things that smart people should know how to do. I will show you how.
The world is moving in the direction of dependence and centralization in more ways than I can stand in the fields of technology, energy, health, nutrition, and a host of others. Allowing “experts” to control all of these fields for our ease and convenience enhances centralization, technocracy, and authoritarian rule. Decentralizing things means removing the focus of power from one location and moving it outward, distributing it. As human beings with intellects and souls, we have a right to control our own lives and manage our own property in a way that we see fit. I will demonstrate steps that anybody can make toward independence in a wide variety of fields.
Doing so means that you have to take responsibility for your own life and pick up a wide variety of skills. I want to help people expand their capabilities. Perhaps not to the level that sci-fi writer and philosopher Robert A. Heinlein would suggest, but his quote rings true:
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. — Robert A. Heinlein
Again, we can differ on what an individual’s capabilities should be, but Heinlein’s philosophy reflected that humans are amazing creatures with astounding potential. If we can expand our skills, we can achieve more of what our Creator intended.
I will perform research, perform projects, learn for myself, and then share what I’ve learned.
I will share my failures as well as my successes, because much is learned through failure.
For paid subscribers, outputs will include key detailed information the reader and viewer needs to pursue their own projects.
Paid subscribers will be able to provide feedback and input on my projects through the comments section, in addition to getting clarification and information as they pursue their own efforts.
This won’t be the typical content for people with the attention span of a gnat. People will be entertained, but their minds and creativity will be inspired through demonstrations of what is possible. They will learn technical detail and receive encouragement to pursue bold projects of their own.
Some History
The Art of Diesel was started a decade ago as I wanted to have an efficient family hauler that didn’t burn excessive fuel or break the bank. The initial project was to convert a Suburban to diesel and document the effort. In 2014 the book The Art of Diesel: Building an Efficient Family Hauler was self-published on the Amazon platform (and it’s still available). The blog continued for a few years and tapered off.
As my wife and I become empty nesters (with the exception of our dogs, cats, egg-laying hens, and honey bees), I’m entering a new life phase and working to make some changes. I hope to take you along on my journey.